This sacrament is the beginning of your life-long commitment and it is rooted in love of God and supported by the community of faith. The exchange of marriage vows in the sacrament is a pledge to love, respect and nurture each other all the days of your life together.
If you are a 1) parishioner of Holy Name of Mary and have 2) had no previous marriage(s) (civil or church) the following applies*: In order to schedule a wedding you would have to be at least six months out from your desired wedding date at the time of scheduling. Both you and your fiancé would need to schedule an appointment with Brenda Luna to go over all the guidelines, documents needed, classes, fees, and to reserve a date. After the appointment you will have a copy of all the items discussed.
*For all previous marriages civil or church please contact Mary Ann Brewer-Nolan
(626) 484-1355 to start an annulment process.
If you are a non-parishioner and have no previous marriage(s) (civil or church) the following applies: Holy Name of Mary is a welcoming church. However, due to the fact that we have only one priest assigned here we ask that all non-parishioners have their own priest do their marriage paperwork and agree to marry them here at Holy Name of Mary. Please download the Priest Marriage Agreement Form and give it to your priest. Once your priest has signed the form you and your fiancé should schedule an appointment with Brenda Luna to go over all the guidelines, documents needed, classes, fees, and to reserve a date. After the appointment you will have a copy of all the items discussed. All non-parishioners are required to bring their signed Priest Agreement Form with them for their appointment. |