To submit a ministry article or to announce an approved HNM event for the parish bulletin or Midweek Bulletin, please email all content to [email protected]
Due to printing deadlines, submit article or request 14 days in advance from desired publish date.
Submit a Ministry Article for the Bulletin
I will make every effort to run your article. However, due to limited space and the high volume of article requests we receive, I reserve the right to edit, limit, or not run your article. If we have any questions regarding your content we will reach out to you.
I thank you in advance for your understanding!
who... is hosting/organizing/presenting this event.
what... type of event is this (fundraiser, retreat, meeting, benefit)
where... location (is this an in-person event, virtual event, if so provide zoom link and passcode)
when... dates and times
cost... (if any) state if reservations are required or where to obtain tickets.
contact person... A contact person for your ministry to be published on the flyer (Name, email, and phone number).
Orientations and Sizes
Full page: W 8" x 10" H
Half Page: W 8" x 5" H
File Types accepted:
Word, Publisher, PDF, .JPEG, .PNG